Friday, January 29, 2016

How to lead a life

Integrity is one of the most important characters to have in this world.Although,Hard to accumulate and exercise yet easy to let it go. A person without it is called a Second-hander. Every moment of your life is a decision to be made on either to be or not be a second handler.

If you live your life working for others and if you are praised without a handsome work.If all your life depends on their views over your perception of reality and if you still feel happy about it then you are wrong.It would eventually stop your perception of the reality of your life.

A second hander's life is like a resource which could be used by any intelligent person for its own use.The SH would feel proud on his progress, but in actuality its the other one who is enjoying on your boots as well as on many of those who are like you.The repercussions of SH lasts long and its effect takes a very long time to realize until a point when it reaches a ItsNoPointNow zone.

Life without hard work is always going to be a dull life. You may feel happy for sometime, But it never fills up your soul and give you satisfaction. Its exactly like having sex without an orgasm. Creativity takes your life boat to a long distance. It comes out when you like the subject. Creativity when mixed with Hard work is the best anecdote to prevent the disease of Second handersness. 

Always work for what you like and don't listen to others. Work hard on  it and you should succeed.

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